san diego engraver and live event artist rinelle




My name is Rinelle, and I’m a corporate gal turned professional hand-lettering artist and creative business owner. For as long as I can remember, I have been a creative person. I crochet, knit, sew, and have dabbled a tiny bit in woodworking. (Thanks for the creative genes, Mom!)

When I’m not engrossed in a calligraphy project, you can find me caring for my houseplant babies or tending to my urban container garden, at my vintage sewing machine making something new out of something old, or out and about chasing views. I’m also big into olympic weightlifting, cuddly pets are my weakness, and Queer Eye is high on my list of favorite shows ever created.

I’m also a sucker for a punny joke (you’ll see as you continue reading), a classic rom-com, and a last minute boba date… any time of the day. And it’s quite the paradox, but I’m a homebody who loves to travel and explore. In 2021, I officially started my small business in San Diego, California, and in 2023, I moved it across the country to the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area (where I’m originally from!).


In 2017, I found myself in need of new creative outlet from my 9-5 corporate job. I’ve always had an affinity for beautiful handwriting and typography, perfecting my cursive early on in grade school. I think it was fate that in my adulthood, I stumbled upon modern calligraphy on social media.

I scoured the interwebs for the best calligraphy tools for beginners and started practicing. And before I knew it, calligraphy became my favorite form of self-care and escape from the stressful day-to-day activities. Why? It really forces you to take things slowly and be present in the moment; two things I had to relearn after working in a fast-paced environment.

Since then, I’ve explored a ton of different lettering techniques, experimented with all types of materials, and continue to improve and perfect my craft each and every day. After years of practice, I officially launched CREAT’D FOR to share my artistry with the rest of the world.

To this day, I’m still so fascinated with calligraphy; at this point, it’s undeniably engraved in my mind (ha!). 


I always knew I wanted to start a creative business where I could make things for others; it was just a matter of what, when, and for whom. Before calligraphy, I made hand-knitted goods (infinity scarves, hats, amigurimi) and sold them on Etsy. And at one point of my creative journey, I also made bags, pouches, and small accessories (and even masks at the start of the pandemic!). Anyway… one evening in 2018-ish, my ex-boyfriend (now husband hehe) lightheartedly said something like, “You love creating for other people… why don’t you name your business CREATED FOR?”

Long story short… I absolutely loved the idea! So I dropped the “e”, added an apostrophe for a little spice, and bam. That’s how CREAT’D FOR came to be.

In an increasingly digital world, I’m on a mission to preserve the art of the handwritten letter.


I spent many years working in Risk Management, and I pride myself on my attention to detail, workflow and event management skills, and ability to effortlessly connect with others on a personal level while maintaining professionalism.

I’m a true ambivert—I thrive in client-facing environments where building rapport is key, and also find solitude in working independently in my studio. Quality of work is always top of mind, and my goal is for my artistry is to become a seamless extension of your services to your clients, thus increasing brand awareness and loyalty.

Just as handwriting is unique to each individual, handwritten calligraphy is unique to each lettering artist. My lettering style is elegant, modern yet timeless, legible and dainty. My work is for brands and clients who appreciate the beauty of fine artistry and value the intricate details.

If this sounds like something that aligns with your brand and brand values, please get in touch! I’d love to meet you, help dream up an unforgettable event, and make your vision come to life.